#!/bin/sh # # $FreeBSD: head/www/subsonic-standalone/files/subsonic.in 423414 2016-10-06 16:05:47Z jlh $ # # PROVIDE: subsonic # REQUIRE: LOGIN # KEYWORD: shutdown # # Configuration settings for subsonic in /etc/rc.conf: # # subsonic_enable (bool): # Set to "NO" by default. # Set it to "YES" to enable subsonic. # # subsonic_home (str): # Set to "%%SUBSONIC_HOME%%" by default. # # subsonic_host (str): # Set to "" by default. # Specify which IP address to listen to. # # subsonic_port (int): # Set to "4040" by default. # Specify which port to listen on for HTTP(S). # # subsonic_ssl (bool): # Set to "NO" by default. # Set it to "YES" to enable SSL. # # subsonic_ssl_keystore (str): # Optionally set path to custom SSL keystore. # # subsonic_ssl_password (str): # Optionally set password for custom SSL keystore. # # subsonic_context_path (str): # Set to "/" by default. # Specify the last part of the Subsonic URL, typically "/" or "/subsonic". # # subsonic_max_memory (int): # Set to "100" by default. # Specify the memory limit (Java heap size) in megabytes. # . /etc/rc.subr name=subsonic rcvar=${name}_enable procname="%%JAVA%%" load_rc_config "${name}" : ${subsonic_enable:="NO"} : ${subsonic_user:="%%USER%%"} : ${subsonic_group:="%%GROUP%%"} : ${subsonic_home:="%%SUBSONIC_HOME%%"} : ${subsonic_host:=""} : ${subsonic_port:="4040"} : ${subsonic_ssl:="NO"} : ${subsonic_context_path:="/"} : ${subsonic_max_memory:="100"} if checkyesno subsonic_ssl; then SUBSONIC_SSL_FLAGS="-Dsubsonic.httpsPort=${subsonic_port}" && subsonic_port="0" if [ ! -z ${subsonic_ssl_keystore} ]; then SUBSONIC_SSL_FLAGS=${SUBSONIC_SSL_FLAGS}" -Dsubsonic.ssl.keystore=${subsonic_ssl_keystore} -Dsubsonic.ssl.password=${subsonic_ssl_password}" fi fi start_precmd="export LC_CTYPE='en_US.UTF-8'" subsonic_chdir="%%DATADIR%%" command="/usr/sbin/daemon" command_args="-f ${procname} \ -Dsubsonic.home=${subsonic_home} \ -Dsubsonic.host=${subsonic_host} \ -Dsubsonic.port=${subsonic_port} \ ${SUBSONIC_SSL_FLAGS} \ -Dsubsonic.contextPath=${subsonic_context_path} \ -Dsubsonic.defaultMusicFolder=${subsonic_home}/music \ -Dsubsonic.defaultPodcastFolder=${subsonic_home}/Podcast \ -Dsubsonic.defaultPlaylistFolder=${subsonic_home}/playlists \ -Xmx${subsonic_max_memory}m \ -Djava.awt.headless=true \ -jar ${subsonic_chdir}/subsonic-booter-jar-with-dependencies.jar" run_rc_command "$1"