## $FreeBSD: head/www/mod_security/files/280_mod_security.conf.sample.in 413465 2016-04-16 17:29:07Z ohauer $ ## vim: set filetype=apache: ## ## module file for mod_security ## ## PROVIDE: mod_security2 ## REQUIRE: mod_unique_id ## ## To enable ModSecurity in Apache, enable the modules ## mod_unique_id (in httpd.conf) and ## mod_security2 in this config file ## ## Additionally, load configuration and rules with an Include line from ## %%ETCDIR%%/*.conf ## ## Most users will use the signatures from the OWASP Core Rule Set (CRS). ## For configuration instructions, see %%DOCSDIR%%/README. ## ## apache modules for mod_security #LoadModule unique_id_module %%APACHEMODDIR%%/mod_unique_id.so #LoadModule security2_module %%APACHEMODDIR%%/mod_security2.so #Include %%ETCDIR%%/*.conf