db-uri = "postgres://user:pass@localhost:5432/dbname" db-schema = "public" # this schema gets added to the search_path of every request db-anon-role = "postgres" db-pool = 10 db-pool-timeout = 10 server-host = "" server-port = 3000 ## unix socket location ## if specified it takes precedence over server-port # server-unix-socket = "/tmp/pgrst.sock" ## unix socket file mode # server-unix-socket-mode = "660" ## base url for swagger output # server-proxy-uri = "" ## choose a secret, JSON Web Key (or set) to enable JWT auth ## (use "@filename" to load from separate file) # jwt-secret = "foo" # secret-is-base64 = false # jwt-aud = "your_audience_claim" ## limit rows in response # max-rows = 1000 ## stored proc to exec immediately after auth # pre-request = "stored_proc_name" ## jspath to the role claim key # role-claim-key = ".role" ## extra schemas to add to the search_path of every request # db-extra-search-path = "extensions, util" ## stored proc that overrides the root "/" spec ## it must be inside the db-schema # root-spec = "stored_proc_name" ## content types to produce raw output # raw-media-types="image/png, image/jpg"