-- This is a workaround for the nasty habit gprlib has of using -- ${LOCALBASE}/lib/templates_parser as the OBJECT_DIR, dumping .lexch -- files there which is a build violation. By copying the prebuilt -- library and ali files over to the project object directory and using -- a custom gpr file restricts the libaws.lexch generation there. with "../shared"; project TemParse is for Library_Name use "templates_parser"; for Library_Kind use Shared.Library_Type; case Shared.Library_Type is when "relocatable" => for Library_Version use "libtemplates_parser.so"; for Source_Dirs use ("@PREFIX@/include/templates_parser.relocatable"); when others => for Source_Dirs use ("@PREFIX@/include/templates_parser"); end case; for Object_Dir use "../" & Shared'Object_Dir & "/temparse"; for Library_Dir use "../" & Shared'Library_Dir & "/temparse"; for Externally_Built use "true"; package Naming is -- for Specification ("Templates_Parser.Configuration") -- use "templates_parser-configuration__aws.ads"; for Implementation ("Templates_Parser.Input") use "templates_parser-input__standalone.adb"; for Implementation ("Templates_Parser_Tasking") use "templates_parser_tasking__standard_tasking.adb"; end Naming; end TemParse;