#!/bin/sh # $FreeBSD$ # # PROVIDE: reggae_pf # REQUIRE: pf # AFTER: NETWORKING local_unbound named nsd unbound # Add the following lines to /etc/rc.conf.local, /etc/rc.conf or # /etc/rc.conf.d/reggae_pf to enable this service: # # reggae_pf_enable (bool): Set to NO by default. # Set it to "YES" to enable virtual_oss. # reggae_pf_directory (string): Directory containing PF anchor files # Default is "/etc/pf.d" . /etc/rc.subr name=reggae_pf desc="Reggae helper to load PF anchors" rcvar=${name}_enable start_precmd="${name}_precmd" load_rc_config $name : ${reggae_pf_enable:="NO"} : ${reggae_pf_directory:="/etc/pf.d"} command="%%PREFIX%%/bin/reggae" command_args="pf ${reggae_pf_directory}" reggae_pf_precmd() { if [ ! -d "${reggae_pf_directory}" ]; then echo "${reggae_pf_directory} is not directory" >&2 exit 1 fi } run_rc_command $*