# $FreeBSD: head/sysutils/msiklm/files/msiklm.conf.sample.in 464508 2018-03-14 16:07:03Z jhale $ # # This entry runs the 'msiklm' utility upon device attach to set # a default keyboard backlight theme. # You may adjust ARGS to suit your preference. # Generally, the ARGS syntax is " ". # Some examples are listed below, but consult 'msiklm help' and # %%DOCSDIR%%/README.md # for more detailed information. # Confirm the ARGS work as expected by running (as superuser): # msiklm # before placing in the options substatement below. # Examples: # set ARGS "red,white,blue high wave"; # set ARGS "green,blue,red medium breathe"; # set ARGS "orange low"; # set ARGS "off"; options { set ARGS "red,blue,green high normal"; }; notify 100 { match "system" "USB"; match "subsystem" "DEVICE"; match "type" "ATTACH"; match "vendor" "0x1770"; match "product" "0xff00"; action "%%PREFIX%%/bin/msiklm $ARGS"; };