#!/bin/sh # # $FreeBSD: head/sysutils/915resolution/files/915resolution.in 340872 2014-01-24 00:14:07Z mat $ # # PROVIDE: i915resolution # REQUIRE: mountcritremote # BEFORE: SERVERS # KEYWORD: nojail # Define these i915resolution_* variables in one of these files: # /etc/rc.conf # /etc/rc.conf.local # /etc/rc.conf.d/i915resolution # # DO NOT CHANGE THESE DEFAULT VALUES HERE # i915resolution_enable=${i915resolution_enable:-"NO"} # Enable hacking VBIOS resolution (YES/NO) i915resolution_modes=${i915resolution_modes:-"3c 4d 5c"} # Space separated list of modes to set i915resolution_width=${i915resolution_width:-"1920"} # the horisontal resolution in pixels i915resolution_height=${i915resolution_height:-"1080"} # the vertical resolution in pixels . /etc/rc.subr name="i915resolution" rcvar=i915resolution_enable command="%%PREFIX%%/sbin/915resolution" start_cmd="${name}_start" stop_cmd=":" status_cmd="${command} -l" extra_commands="status" i915resolution_start() { local mode ${status_cmd} | grep '^Chipset:' for mode in ${i915resolution_modes}; do ${command} ${mode} ${i915resolution_width} ${i915resolution_height} | tail -n 1 done } load_rc_config $name run_rc_command "$1"