#!/bin/sh # PROVIDE: mailhog # REQUIRE: DAEMON # KEYWORD: shutdown # # Add these lines to /etc/rc.conf.local or /etc/rc.conf # to enable this service: # # mailhog_enable (bool): Set to NO by default. # Set it to YES to enable mailhog. # mailhog_bind_addr (ipaddr): Set to the address mailhog should listen on # for incoming connections. by default. # mailhog_smtp_port (int): Port to listen on for SMTP. 1025 by default. # mailhog_api_port (int): Port to listen on for API. 8025 by default. # mailhog_ui_port (int): Port to listen on for UI. 8025 (same as API) # by default. # mailhog_runtimeuser (string): User mailhog should run as. 'nobody' by default. # # Please think twice before exposing this server to the Internet. This is an # insecure tool without any authentication specifically to aid development # and debugging. Use in controlled environments only is highly recommended. # . /etc/rc.subr name="mailhog" rcvar="mailhog_enable" pidfile="/var/run/${name}.pid" : ${mailhog_enable:="NO"} : ${mailhog_bind_addr:=""} : ${mailhog_smtp_port:="1025"} : ${mailhog_api_port:="8025"} : ${mailhog_ui_port:="8025"} : ${mailhog_runtimeuser:="nobody"} load_rc_config "${name}" command="/usr/sbin/daemon" command_args="-c -r -f -P ${pidfile} -u ${mailhog_runtimeuser} %%PREFIX%%/bin/${name} -api-bind-addr ${mailhog_bind_addr}:${mailhog_api_port} -ui-bind-addr ${mailhog_bind_addr}:${mailhog_ui_port} -smtp-bind-addr ${mailhog_bind_addr}:${mailhog_smtp_port}" run_rc_command "$1"