#!/bin/sh # $FreeBSD: head/mail/dspam/files/dspam.in 414374 2016-05-01 01:13:06Z junovitch $ # # PROVIDE: dspam # REQUIRE: DAEMON %%MYSQL%% %%PGSQL%% %%CLAMD%% # BEFORE: mail # KEYWORD: shutdown # # Add the following lines to /etc/rc.conf[.local] to enable dspam: # dspam_enable="YES" # # dspam_debug="YES" will start dspam with debug logging (you need ar least WITH_DEBUG) # you can also set the pid file via dspam_pidfile # . /etc/rc.subr name="dspam" rcvar=dspam_enable load_rc_config $name #defaults : ${dspam_enable="NO"} : ${dspam_debug="NO"} : ${dspam_pidfile:-/var/run/dspam/dspam.pid} : ${dspam_user="%%DSPAM_OWNER%%"} : ${dspam_group="%%DSPAM_GROUP%%"} command=%%PREFIX%%/bin/${name} start_precmd=dspam_checkdebug extra_commands=reload required_dirs=%%DSPAM_HOME%% required_files=%%PREFIX%%/etc/${name}.conf dspam_checkdebug() { if checkyesno dspam_debug then command_args="--daemon --debug > /dev/null 2>&1 &" else command_args="--daemon > /dev/null 2>&1 &" fi } reload() { kill -HUP `cat $pidfile` } run_rc_command "$1"