[ { type: install message: <<EOM This port does not contain any FreeBSD device drivers for infrared devices. This port installs the LIRC daemons and tools for interacting with drivers that support the LIRC device interface. You will need to obtain third party device drivers or port the Linux drivers in ${WRKSRC}/drivers to use the LIRC port. Update for 0.9: Known working with this update are FTDI-based USB IR receivers/transmitters like described here, http://www.huitsing.nl/irftdi/ and if you use the recent multimedia/webcamd port then MCE USB based ones driven by the Linux mceusb driver as well remotes coming with USB DVB tuners that by default work with the Linux drivers used in webcamd should also work, i.e. if webcamd creates a /dev/lircX device node check if e.g. mode2 -d /dev/lirc0 reports pulses and spaces when triggering the remote at the receiver, if it does you probably will be able to use lirc. Some other userland drivers will probably also work (like others using libusb), they just were not tested. The lirc documentation should be accessible at: %%LOCALBASE%%/share/doc/lirc/html/index.html Some example configs should have been installed here: %%LOCALBASE%%/share/examples/lirc/remotes The port now installs an example lircd.conf that's preconfigured for use with webcamd, either with USB DVB tuner remotes supported by the Linux drivers by default that webcamd uses, or for remotes supplied with MCE USB IR receivers. If you want to create a config for a different remote using an IR receiver that works with mode2 you can try using irrecord like described here: file://%%LOCALBASE%%/share/doc/lirc/html/help.html#new_remote Update for webcamd >= webcamd now supports /dev/input/eventX (X there can be for example 0, 8, 16 etc) and uses it exclusively for almost all tuners, only mceusb IR-only devices now support both interfaces. So if you don't get a /dev/lircX device node anymore and want to make lirc use a remote with such a tuner you now need the lirc devinput driver, if you start lircd via the rc.d script set lircd_flags and lircd_device in rc.conf(5), like: lircd_flags="-H devinput" lircd_device="/dev/input/event0" The example lircd.conf includes the devinput config file too so if all goes well irw(1) should still work with such tuners and show buttons pressed, and if not and the tuner's Linux driver uses the rc.core interface you can often still add a custom keymap, only with devinput you no longer want to use irrecord(1) but ir-keytable(1) which is part of the multimedia/v4l-utils port. Using that tool you can e.g. check remote events coming in on /dev/input/eventX, ir-keytable -d /dev/input/eventX -t list the current keytable, ir-keytable -d /dev/input/eventX -r or add scancodes on the fly by loading a custom keymap, ir-keytable -d /dev/input/eventX -w keymap.txt (on Linux this can be automated using udev, don't know if we need something like that also...) Some (Linux-centric, so not all of them apply) notes re ir-keytable(1) and the lirc devinput change are also here: http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?t=101151 EOM } ]