17.77. qt-dist

Possible arguments: (none) or 5 and (none) or one of 3d, activeqt, androidextras, base, canvas3d, charts, connectivity, datavis3d, declarative, doc, gamepad, graphicaleffects, imageformats, location, macextras, multimedia, networkauth, purchasing, quickcontrols2, quickcontrols, remoteobjects, script, scxml, sensors, serialbus, serialport, speech, svg, tools, translations, virtualkeyboard, wayland, webchannel, webengine, websockets, webview, winextras, x11extras, xmlpatterns

Provides support for building Qt 5 components. It takes care of setting up the appropriate configuration environment for the port to build.

Example 17.6. Building Qt 5 Components

The port is Qt 5's networkauth component, which is part of the networkauth distribution file.

PORTNAME=	networkauth

USES=		qt-dist:5

If PORTNAME does not match the component name, it can be passed as an argument to qt-dist.

Example 17.7. Building Qt 5 Components with Different Names

The port is Qt 5's gui component, which is part of the base distribution file.


USES=		qt-dist:5,base

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