7.4. USES=python and Flavors

When using USES=python and USE_PYTHON=distutils, the port will automatically have FLAVORS filled in with the Python versions it supports.

Example 7.7. Simple USES=python

Supposing the current Python supported versions are 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6, and the default Python 2 and 3 versions are 2.7 and 3.6, a port with:

USES=	python
USE_PYTHON=	distutils

Will get these flavors: py27, and py36.

USES=	python
USE_PYTHON=	distutils allflavors

Will get these flavors: py27, py34, py35 and py36.

Example 7.8. USES=python with Version Requirements

Supposing the current Python supported versions are 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6, and the default Python 2 and 3 versions are 2.7 and 3.6, a port with:

USES=	python:-3.5
USE_PYTHON=	distutils

Will get this flavor: py27.

USES=	python:-3.5
USE_PYTHON=	distutils allflavors

Will get these flavors: py27, py34, and py35.

USES=	python:3.4+
USE_PYTHON=	distutils

Will get this flavor: py36.

USES=	python:3.4+
USE_PYTHON=	distutils allflavors

Will get these flavors: py34, py35, and py36.

PY_FLAVOR is available to depend on the correct version of Python modules. All dependencies on flavored Python ports should use PY_FLAVOR, and not FLAVOR directly..

Example 7.9. For a Port Not Using distutils

If the default Python 3 version is 3.6, the following will set PY_FLAVOR to py36:

RUN_DEPENDS=	${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}mutagen>0:audio/py-mutagen@${PY_FLAVOR}

USES=	python:3.5+

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